Welcome to the Action Against Hunger Learn Lab

In Partnership with the Humentum Learning Services (LINGOS), we aim to deliver learning solutions to you our staff that are appropriate, affordable,
accessible, and also actionable. On this platform, you will find an array of courses across various thematic areas.
Let us learn and develop ourselves as an organization so that we can be better equipped to support the communities that we serve.


When people organize themselves to work together, they generate more impact.
Explore this site to find out about some of the learning solutions that we deliver globally to have make an impact that across borders.


Access to over 900 distance learning courses from LINGOs and LINGOs’ partners


DPro will transform how organizations by using a common language, tools and resources.


eCornell is highly supportive of LINGOs vision of making world class learning


How to login, enrol on a course and many more of your questions answered